גולדווסר יוסף ז"ל
Goldwasser Jossef

בן לאה וצבי-הרשל
נולד בפולין
עלה ב-1948
גוייס ב-24/8/1948
יחידות: הגדוד השביעי - "באר שבע", חטיבת הנגב, גח"ל 48
תפקיד אחרון: לוחם
שוחרר ב-1949
נפטר ב-31/1/2005
נקבר בארה"ב
קורות חיים
יוסף נולד בפולין ב-12 ביוני שנת 1925. עלה ארצה דרך צרפת בשנת 1948. התגייס לפלמ"ח ב-24 אוגוסט 1948. שרת בגדוד השביעי של חטיבת הנגב. מספרו האישי היה 54634. יחד עימו הגיע גם אחיו הבוגר נחמן. הוא נטל חלק בשחרור באר שבע במסגרת הגדוד השביעי של חטיבת הנגב. יוסף חי בישראל עד שנת 1959, עת החליט להצטרף למשפחתו בארצות הברית. הוא התחתן באותה עת עם אלי וחי בניו-יורק עד שנת 1968. עת עבר למדינת קונטיקט. בקונטיקט עבד כמנהל מעדניה במפעל מזון גדול. יוסף נפטר ב-31 בינואר שנת 2005. פרטי חייו באנגלית מאת בנו, מרווין גולדווסר: My father served in the IDF from 1948 to 1959 actively and in the reserves. His army personnel number was 54634 Service: 8.1948). My father came to the US in 1959 and married my mother in 1959. He lived in New York until 1968 and then moved to Connecticut in August of 1968. He and my mother raised 2 children (my sister Reine and I). My dad was a hard worker, quiet and did not talk much of World War II or his time in Israel or as a member of the Palmach. When he did speak, he was full of pride and would only talk of those he served with. He had tremendous survivor's guilt and today probably would have been diagnosed with PTSD. He was a good man, husband, father and grandfather to my daughter Erin. He was very devoted to Israel and proud of his service. He had a Palmach charm on a gold necklace he kept in a safe place and would show me on only special occasions. When he passed I gave the necklace to my uncle Nachman who also served in the Palmach (His army personnel number - 54642. Service: 8.1948). Nachman was my father's older brother and truly looked after my father. They enlisted together, served together and had a very special bond that extended beyond just being brothers. He often credited my uncle for keeping him alive during the war and in the Palmach. Every once in a while by father would pull out a picture of himself and my uncle in uniform and talk about his time in the Palmach and how many brave men and women gave their lives in service of Israel. He would say they were the true heroes and he was lucky to have known them. My father worked as a Deli Manager in the Grocery Industry until he fully retired at the age of 75. He passed away in January 2005 after a long battle with Alzheimer's. GOLDWASSER, Joseph - Joseph Goldwasser of Countryside Manor, Stafford Ave., Bristol, husband of the late Elsie (Stein) Goldwasser, died Monday (January 31, 2005). Born in Poland, he was the son of the late Zvie and Leah (Kamen) Goldwasser. He was a Freedom Fighter and member of the Palmach Elite Unit of the Israeli Army. A former member of Beth Israel Synagogue in Bristol, he was a member of the Hartford Mutual Society and AARP. He was an avid Yankee fan and enjoyed youth soccer. A loving father and grandfather, he leaves to mourn, his son Marvin "Mickey" Goldwasser and his wife Lisa of Bristol; his daughter Reine Goldwasser of Bristol, and his only granddaughter and the light of his life, Erin Goldwasser. He also leaves a brother Norman Goldwasser and his wife Miriam of Port Jefferson, NY; a sister, Sandra Goldberg of Ft. Lauderdale, FL; and several nieces and nephews.אלבום תמונות